Lest We Forget
Published on April 25, 2004 By gothic impulse In Blogging
I dragged myself out of bed at 3:30 yesterday morning, to attend a Dawn Service for ANZAC Day.
Standing in tha park around the cenotaph with like minded people. The river behind us, the sound of the surf, birds calling ...pure peace.
Listening to the sounds of The Last Post, reflecting on the people who had so much love and courage that they gave and risked everything to bring peace.
I wonder what they are thinking now. Do they wonder why? Do they shake their heads at the state of the world?
On this morning standing amidst the peace of a new day .... I want to thank them and honour them and i wish i could promise them we have learnt from previous conflicts but i can't.
To all armed service people ..past, present and future ... Thank you.

At the going down of the sun ..... and in the morning .....we shall remember them.

on Apr 25, 2004
Good to see another Aussie/NZer on Joeuser...

I was going to go to the Dawn service in Melbourne, but i was too tired... I think you hit the nail on the head with your point though - As much respect as we should have for the diggers, its a shame the rest of the world hasn't learned from their losses.

on Apr 25, 2004
Your description gave me goosebumps up my arms.

It was beautiful.
on Apr 25, 2004
Thank you for your kind words. I am new to the art of blogging and find i am a spit out what i want to say kinda person.
on Apr 25, 2004
I must confess I had not heard of ANZAC day before (americancentic sort that I am) but your post prompted me to look it up and enjoy several web pages regarding it's history. Thank you for enlightening me.
on Apr 25, 2004
greywar ...yvw and I'm glad you enjoyed learning about it.