A newcomer's thoughts on JU
Published on April 28, 2004 By gothic impulse In Blogging
I have only been a member for a short time but i would like to say this site is amazing. The freedom to put your thoughts into words, share them with others and receive feedback is so good.
From the deepthinking to the ridiculous ...the laughing so hard i cry to the crying so hard for someones pain ......the nostalgic warmth of others, you have it all. To make this site so diverse and entertaining requires a broad spectrum of individuals as with any such group not everyone is going to agree on everything and get along all the time.
If i see something that effects me i like to comment, if it makes me slightly angry I will comment but it is the article I am commenting on NOT the person who wrote it. This world would be a boring place if everyone agreed all the time, the differences in people are what makes it interesting.
I have noticed that some people seem to take negative comments to heart ( yes I know that no one likes to hear negative things). you are all such talented people in your own way and in all honesty if there are personality clashes, can't you just ignore that person, because lets face it...the only one here that knows the true you ..is you.. Even if someone is annoying, does it really hurt you? Will the world stop spinning tomorrow because of it?
Yes I know I am new and maybe some people won't like me commenting on this but as the saying goes " you can't please all of the people all of the time" and I really like this site and think maybe people need to put things into perspective.


on Apr 29, 2004
Touché Jessica!!! Touché

on Apr 29, 2004
This article isn't aimed at anyone and is not intended to offend. Just an objective view point.
on Apr 29, 2004
I agree. It is pointless to let personalities get in the way of what we come here for, and just remember, feedback, be it good or bad, helps us reach our full potential.
on Apr 29, 2004
Gothic as long as you personally do not attack anyone do not worry about offending anyone by stating your opinions. If they do not like it they can simply not read it.