Why is it that FIGJAM and hypocrisy seem to go hand in hand?
Why is it the people that seem to think they are so great that their shit doesn't stink, feel the need to put others down ?
Yes, I have heard all the arguments about " They really are insecure, blah blah". I know some are, I am talking about the ones who truly believe in FIGJAM.
The ones who ..no matter what you have done, have always done it and 10 times better. That think everything they do is so damn wonderful. Here is a little hint ....It might be to you ....but most of us get tired of the " chest thumping, wow I'm so great, look at me" bullshit.
Then you have the hypocrisy ...The "how dare you criticise me" while they are doing the same thing. People who think their opinion is the only one to have, defend their right to have it and then tell you " who cares what you think ..it is just your opinion".
These people have double standards for everything ...they seem to think they can do or say anything.. but attack you for daring to disagree or bow down before them.
I witnessed a classic example of this recently ...a guy I know was attacked in such a way ...accused of being rude, immature, worthless...
by someone older then him. The funny thing is.. the accuser couldn't see that they were all those things, without even the slight excuse of youth.
Are people like this blind to all reasoning or do they just think they can do no wrong? Do they think they have a divine right to act as they please? Do they really think most give a fuck about their opinions?
To these people I say when you lose the FIGJAM mentality and say something worthwhile I may listen and maybe even give a fuck.
But that's just my opinion.