Just call me little miss misery
I am sitting here doing the one thing I hate ..feeling sorry for myself.
I have the flu, I feel miserable, my Grandma is going into hospital on Thursday for heart surgery.
I know she is scared even though she won't admit it. We talked on the phone for a while this morning, I feel so helpless because the chances are i won't even be able to go and be there with her because I'm sick.
Thomas calls me " Sunshine " he says no matter how bad people are feeling I always know the right thing to say to make them feel better.
I'm not feeling much like sunshine at the moment. I don't know how to stop her being afraid, she is 87 years old.. all I know is I want to be there for her.
I miss Thomas, I miss my 2 sisters that moved to the other side of the country and took my niece "Jess's Little Angel" as she will proudly tell you.
I have to go to the doctor every day because they are worried I will get pneumonia. I am in my Grandma's words ..being a misery guts!
Wait ...
The mailman just came. I have a letter from Thomas, one from Jetroh (my little boy I sponsor in Zimbabwe) and one from my sis ..full of photos of my little angels 3rd birthday.
I can feel a little ray of sunshine starting to appear ...now if I can somehow manage to be there for my Grandma ..all will be good in my world again.
I just talked to my other 2 sisters ( yes there are 5 of us ) they are going to go and be there for Grandma, that makes me feel so much better!!
OMG .. I think I just managed a smile !!!