Hypocrosy, the new religion
Published on May 27, 2004 By gothic impulse In Blogging
This is my rant ..so I'll bitch if I want to.

Warning ..this is a RANT ..this article may offend.

Disclamer ... this article in no way is directed at any true christians.

I am heartily sick of the people who hide behind the church ....use it to excuse their bigotry and hatred.
The pious, holier than thou attitude of these people when they are found wanting everyday in their own actions.
People whose hearts are full of hatred, lack compassion and understanding.
The ones who can't admit they hate and fear ...so use religion as their excuse to pour venom on things they dont understand.

Obviously I am not a religious person, this doesn't make me a bad person. I know alot of people who believe in God but not in organised religion. Every religion has good points and bad points. Every religion would have you believe that their way is the best and only way.

I respect peoples religious beliefs ..I don't try to force my beliefs on anybody. I find it hard to understand how you refuse to accept others religious beliefs but then try to force everyone to live by yours.

I have observed quite a lot of this lately. Take the gay marriage debate.... are they asking to be married in your church? I have heard all the " It is against the bible " correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the bible written by men but inspired by God's word? Hasn't the bible been translated? I wonder how infallible all the people involved in this process were. ( when you consider that Cinderella's slippers started off as fur and ended up glass in the translation). And after all isn't the bible only relevant to your religion?

Or like the word marry... you can marry ideas ...a business partnership is a type of marriage, a loving partnership is a marriage. As far as I can see if it doesnt involve your church what gives you the right to judge.I have heard the arguments that America was founded on christian beliefs. Maybe because at that time it was full of christians ..since then it has evolved into a multi-cultural society.( Although from things I have read about American history these people weren't very christian, in some of their actions... were they? )

I just wonder if Jesus ( remember him, the dude you are supposed to believe in) was here today ...what would he think of the actions you perform in his name? Jesus who according to you ..was full of compassion and understanding ...believed in helping the unfortunate ...believed in turning the other cheek. What would he say ..my guess " He who is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone."

My belief is quite simple if people are doing something that makes them happy and harming no one else in their pursuit of it, more power to them ..let them be ....worry about something that actually effects you.

As i said ..I don't force my beliefs on people but I do expect them to honour the beliefs they are spouting.

Matthew 7:1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.
2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.


Comments (Page 2)
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on May 28, 2004
I agree Jess, I much prefer the non-pious variety of hate myself
on May 28, 2004
me too
on May 28, 2004
Conversley, my Master and i could be said to resent having to get married to have our relationship legally recognized. Why cant we just draw up a slavery contract that i could sign, have it notorized and blessed by some priest, and thereafter be enforcable by law? Because it does not reflect the will of the majority

on May 28, 2004
It is also an article about gay marriage, and as such, i think my comments were on topic. Look up the word "tangent" and see what that means

Gay marriage was used as an example of how some so-called religious people use their religion instead of stating it is their own opinion.

find it ironic that those who hide behind "tolerance" have often proven themselves to be more hateful than those they accuse of being haters

The hate comment was a joke ..do you understand humour?

if gays are allowed to legally marry, why shouldnt others whose sexual nature necessitates an "alternative" lifestyle be allowed the same privilege?

Did I say they shouldn't? As long as it harms no one.

This is my rant ..so I'll bitch if I want to.

What part of that did you not understand?


on May 28, 2004
Boo!! Hope I didnt scare you little_twit err I mean whip, as for the whole foul-mouth comment... if you thought that was foul mouthed, you should see me when I actual am angered in any form or fashion, as for my entire comment, you should know that that entire sentence you stated means nothing, I was commended on my statement by the one that started this rant and thread.

Though I do want to know EXACTLY how it would bump you out of any financial gain? You never really state exactly how it would and I do mean exactly. You did state social security benefits but from my knowledge those benefits are on an individual basis. You have your benefits and I have mine. I personally think that you feel that gays and or lesbians might take something that you think is special, such as marriage, and as for this thread being about gay marriage, NO it was not about that it was about religion. As this is stated by me and the tread creator, now maybe its just me but Im pretty sure the creator would know what she was talking about and addressing in this thread. But again it could be me.

looky not a single curse word, be proud, it could have been loaded with them.

on May 28, 2004
well restrained there Thomas...
on May 28, 2004
The hate comment was a joke ..do you understand humour?

glad somebody understands the concept of humor.

I find it ironic that those who hide behind "tolerance" have often proven themselves to be more hateful than those they accuse of being haters. Their tolerance extends only to those who share their own so called tolerant opinions, and anyone who disagrees in the slightest is automatically labeled a hater, a religious zealot, or a right wing nazi type.
Look at the hateful, condescending, and insulting remarks directed at me after i disagreed!

Me? Tolorant? Hardly. Some folks take themselves a bit too seriously.
on May 28, 2004
thanks gerry! the funny thing about that is, and I am making comments as I write part 3 of the first chapter of The Masquerade is that I thought I was pretty well behaved myself as well, I mean if I wanted to be nasty about it I obviously could have... theres nothing restraining me against it, but this is my girls blog and I wouldnt want her to lose points over my own personal view points, be they well presented or otherwise.

on May 28, 2004
Conversley, my Master and i could be said to resent having to get married to have our relationship legally recognized. Why cant we just draw up a slavery contract that i could sign, have it notorized and blessed by some priest, and thereafter be enforcable by law? Because it does not reflect the will of the majority

but for your general information, we married because we are in love

Because it does not reflect the will of the majority .... Exactly. Im a grown up and accept this fact, but gays dont seem to be able to.

Is it just me ..or are these contradictions of each other?

on May 28, 2004
im wondering now if bush should propose an amendment establishing same-sex master-slave collar ceremonies.

on May 29, 2004
enema enthusiasts day (at 6 flags)

i dont know which id want to do least: marry a member of my gender or go to 6 flags. having to go to 6 flags on enema day would make the decision a bit easier.

actually it just occured to me that your use of the word 'enthusiasts' says more than you may have intended. same-sex couples arent enthusiasts in any sense of the term. i know gay couples (of both sexes) whove been together for more than 20 years--much longer, in fact, than many of the hetero couples ive known for the same length of time.

the two people who make up each successful gay couple have committed to each other in the same way as their correlates in a straight marriage. denying them the right to act in each other's behalf in times of emergency, requiring them to jump through hoops to benefit from their combined efforts during their shared lives and all the other indignities that follow is cruel and causes hearts to hurt needlessly.

heres a sentence i never imagined myself writing: denying someone an enema at 6 flags compares to denying gay couples the opportunity to marry like sea monkeys compare to mountain gorillas. .
on May 29, 2004
denying them the right to act in each other's behalf in times of emergency, requiring them to jump through hoops to benefit from their combined efforts during their shared lives and all the other indignities that follow is cruel and causes hearts to hurt needlessly.

So true King ..... and I always think how strong their love must be to survive and flourish despite all the hardship that " normal " people put them through.

I wonder if it was the other way round how many relationships would survive.

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